4 – Quadrant Power Amplifier from FuG


Bipolar power supplies from FuG can be used as DC-coupled 4-quadrant amplifiers to about 3kHz. An analogue control voltage from 0 to ±10V separated for current- and voltage-regulation is giving an output voltage or current from 0 to ±100% of the specified end value of a specific unit. The NLB series starts with ±6,5V and may be designed up to ±500V. Currents up to 200A are possible. Since current- and voltage regulation are completley separated, wanted phase shifts are possible in source as well as in sink mode. The load may be resistive, capactive or inductive.

Model Serie NLB

for detailed Modelinformation Series NLB see PDF Data Sheets at the bottom of the list
zB.: NLB 35- 6,5 : Power Supply ±6,5 V, ±5 A

  • Possible Voltages in V
    ±6,5 / ±12,5 / ±20 / ±35 / ±65 / ±125 / ±200 / ±350
  • Possible Power in W
    35 / 140 / 350 / 700 / 1400
  • Possible Current in A
    ±100mA / ±150mA/ ±250mA / ±400mA / ±600mA / ±1 / ±1,5 / ±2 / ±2,5 / ±3 / ±4 / ±5 / ±6 / ±10


