Digital Multimeter (DMM, digital multimeter or multipurpose meter) with scale lengths from 5.5 to 8.5 digits.
The SMT is a specialist in high quality current- and voltage supplies from FUG, Toellner, GWinstek, Ametek and Keithley.
Source Measure Units are a combination of 4 functions in a single box.
Source Measure Units, Parameter Analyzers and Wafer Prober Stations from Keithley Instruments and MPI Corporation
Function generators, arbitrary waveform generators from Toellner, Keithley and GWinstek
Sensitive instruments from Keithley Instruments
Switches and Scanners from Keithley Instruments. DC to 40GHz, fA to A, nV to kV.
from DC to 5MHz, 4-quadrant operation
GWinstek Multifunction Oscilloscopes
GWinstek LCR-Meters
Safety testers from Finero und GWinstek
Microsecond Switches, Airbag Testsystems, Milliohmmeter, Spectrum Analyzers
Data Acquisition Systems and control systems from Jäger/ADWin and Dewesoft
Low Noise Cabels and Adapter from Keithley
Literature, Publications and Certificates